Fiberglass is a commonly used material in budget tents. This material has many good features but it needs careful handling and such poles can get damaged. So if you need fiberglass tent poles replacement here you have some useful information.
In fact, you will see fiberglass used also in the family camping tents that are far from inexpensive. The more poles in a tent, the more chances for damage. This depends on the tent’s construction, and you can have them many in spherical dome tents like this Ozark Trail 12-Person Base Camp Tent with Light shown in the picture above. This is a very strong and stable structure with its 10 poles. They are all very long and have many sections.
So imagine, if one section is damaged you might have to remove the whole pole and this compromises the tent shape and stability. It can be even worse in the case of tunnel tents with a just few fiberglass loop poles. If one loop fails, the whole tent becomes useless.
The reality is that many manufacturers do not sell poles separately. This is a sad fact, but it is a fact. Only some top brands might have such a service and spare parts. One great example is Eureka that has replacement poles with several different diameters.
I am writing this text because of several comments that came related to the Ozark Trail tent mentioned above, people have damaged poles. So there may be a relatively easy fix, this Coleman Replacement Pole Kit available on Amazon and also at Walmart is one option to consider.
This kit is compatible with most family dome tents, it comes with pre-attached ferrules, and it includes:
- Four 27-inches (68.6 cm) fiberglass replacement poles that can attach to each other.
- One 10 ft (305 cm) piece of shock cord and lead wire.
- 2 Vinyl pole caps so you will use them at the pole’s end to avoid damages to the tent’s fabric.
- Set-up instructions.
With this, you should be able either to replace the pole or its damaged section. But this is not the only option, there are many more on Amazon. Other places to check if you have issues with poles is at REI,
Here is a useful and detailed video where the mentioned Coleman tent replacement pole kit is used, so please have a look.
If this is not enough, here is a bit more about repairing fiberglass poles in general:
You might also want to check the video below if you need to repair a pole when you are outdoor, please have a look:
So if you have issues with poles and need tent poles replacement, please let me know, I shall try to find something for you; there is a comment box below. Bookmark this post and keep it, you never know when you might need help.
You might also want to read our texts on how to choose a family camping tent and about best tents for camping in the rain. Read also my thoughts about pole tents vs airbeam tents. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
I need one of the dark grey poles replaced. If I need to purchase a set of four, I’ll do that. Thank u
Hi Steve, I do not sell anything. But if you tell me which tent this is, I could try to search and see if the pole can be found somewhere.